Mr. Charles Wesley Davenport, Jr.

Charles Wesley Davenport, Jr.  dressed in tuxedo, young black man dressed in tuxedo

Celebration of Life Services for Mr. Charles Wesley Davenport, Jr. will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at the St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church, located at 337 Devils Backbone Road, Leesville, SC 29070. Viewing begins at 10:00 am, and the service begins at 11:00 am. The Reverend Dr. Amos O. Harling, Jr. is Pastor and Officiating Minister.

Batesburg-Leesville, SC - Charles Wesley Davenport, Jr. was born on October 11, 1975 to The Reverend Charles W. Davenport, Sr. and the late Viola C. “Sis” Anderson Davenport.  He departed this earthly life on Friday, June 21, 2024, at the MUSC (Providence Hospital), Columbia, South Carolina.

Charles, affectionately known as “Jr.,” was a graduate of Batesburg-Leesville High School.  He attended college at South Carolina State University where he wholeheartedly embraced that “Bulldog Spirit.”  Over the years, Jr. worked in many capacities.  He most recently was a Lowe’s Associate in the Lawn and Garden Department.

Jr. was baptized and joined the St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church where he was active in the Youth Department.

For over sixteen years, Jr. was a dialysis patient.  He never allowed his disability to hold him back.  Jr. would always remind the family that it was time to plan our next “Family Trip.”  Whenever we talked about getting together to do anything, you had to have the games ready.  You had to be ready for junk talk and total seriousness when you sat down to the table to play Uno.  Jr. loved his family and was all about family.  He always reminded the family that “We All We Got.”

Jr. was an avid football fan.  He loved his South Carolina State Bulldogs and he would often attend their games.  Jr. never left home without his sunglasses and a headband.  He also loved sporting his Nike Air Jordans.   Jr. was the baby of his siblings and he made sure that we knew it!

Jr. leaves to cherish his beloved memories:  his father, Rev. Charles W. (Jannette Henry) Davenport, Sr. of Batesburg SC; brother, Gerald Anderson of Barnwell, SC; sisters, Teresa A. Conelly of Gaston, SC and Charlene D. (Robert) High of Orangeburg, SC; nieces and nephews, Shantay Wells, Brice (Kayla) High, Mia C. Conelly, Chalea V. High and Kniyah Anderson; Godparents, Jeptha and Matilda Derrick of Batesburg, SC; aunts, Mary D. Carter of Batesburg, SC, Mattie Holloway of Washington, DC, Hattie (Alonzo) Watts of Bowie, MD, Helen (Levester) Peterson of Greenwood, SC and Ann Anderson of Saluda, SC; uncle, Ted (Melissa) Anderson of Seat Pleasant, MD; many dear friends, loving cousins and other relatives who will miss him dearly.